Because facebook just doesn’t turn my crank the way it used to, I have been forced to turn to other alternatives to keep myself amused. Don’t worry, I’m not leaving facebook land, just subsidizing it with Lookbook (at the wise guidance of nikita). At first I scoffed (sadly, as I do with anything newly brought to my attention) at the idea of this type of website. I will explain it as it was explained to me: a website where people post pictures of themselves in fashionable outfits and they can detail where each piece of their outfit is from. There was also mention of how the girls were all ridiculously skinny and hot. Seems silly right? Next thing I know I’ve signed up and logged in, only to find that I have come across the WRONG lookbook! I had assumed the website would be found at wrong-o matey. The real mccoy (whatever the hell that means) is at After four bleary eyed hours and a trillion or so outfits, I send nikita a message proclaiming my love and devotion to this new and wondrous addition web arsenal. Basically, this website addresses my entertainment AND educational needs in one fell swoop. Education, you say? Why yes dear one, there is much to learn from the fashionably inclined! The origin of an outfit (h&M, thrifted, grandma’s closet, Topshop) is, I think, the key to this website. How many times do you see someone wearing something and want to know where they got it? Trends and outfit composition is the other shining star of this website. Not to mention the artistic and amazing photos that get submitted. Love love love. I am itching to do a lookbookesque photoshoot. Random location. Sullen expression. Great outfit. Don’t worry I will forget all about it in a moment or two.
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