Listy McListerson would like to present another (you guessed it...) list! this is one i've been compiling in my pea brain for the last six months or so. Since i can't think of anything catchy because my head is full of fluff I will be calling it "things i've learned thus far in 2010". it's kind of strange becuase i recall turning 21 and coming to the conclusion that i basically knew everything i needed to know to scrape along. the kicker was The Move Out. Let's list, shall we?
1. mommy knows best (Except when she doesn't). I have a complex where my mom will tell me how to do something and for whatever reason i assume i have a better way to do it. this is rarely accurate. we have this joke in my house about carol never being wrong. i can think of about three exceptions to that rule, from my entire life. we won't delve into them, i think that would be extremely unkind. re-cap of point one: need help or advice? ask mom. (if she can't help she will find someone who can) xo mommykins.
2. projects are harder than they look...everytime, without exception. whatever my project time estimate is, i've learned to add at least three days minimum. Eg., re-finishing dresser..hmm i'd guess it at about 6 hours (shelly calculation: 3days 6 hours and fifty callouses).
3. the fridge doesn't fill itself. the laundry doesn't wash OR dry itself. the dishwasher won't empty itself. the floors won't magically be clean just becuase you hate vacuuming. (ONE OTHER THING I LEARNED THIS WEEKEND WAS THAT VACUUM HAS TWO U's, growing up with auto spell check has certainly made me a doofus)
4.staying home sick is not even worth it if there's nobody home to take care of and fuss over you.
5. that living without the following things on hand is downright idiotic: a plunger, a flat, star, square and cross screwdriver, pliers, a wrench, flashlight, duct tape, matches, chocolate and bandaids.
6. house insurance is a must. disasters in my life are inevitable.
7. the more wine on hand, the better.
8. Not having cable makes my condo, in general, an undesireable place to hang out.
9. that i love spending time with me the most.
let's move on to un-condo related things. i didn't really mean to sort it into condo and non condo things, but i got carried away and i'm too exhausted to edit.
10. really good socks are a really special thing. they even come labelled left foot and right foot. if you haven't been there done that, please do so.
11. that my friends are all really strong, amazing people who make my life a shinier place.
12. golf is trickier than it looks.
13. me&ed's pizza trumps all.
14. that, no matter how old you are, when you fall- the first instinct is to burst into tears and call your mommy. #14 part 2, that scabs, no matter how old you are, are fun to pick.
15. vegegreen and phytoberry is slowly making me into a superhero. or maybe just super human. i don't know if i aspire to hero, sounds like a lot of work.
i am late for a very important date... [name that quote]
oh one other thing i learned: that seeing a movie by yourself isn't as humiliating as it seems. buttery popcorn basically cures all.
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