Sunday, August 21, 2011

a petrified shelly.

How often do you sit in nothing but silence? For me, it's rarely. There's always someone around, or music playing, or a TV turned on, or traffic noise, or even the hum of a fan in the background to cover up the silence. As anyone who's ever gotten into my car knows, I like my music loud. I don't want to hear myself sing and I definitely don't want to hear other people sing either. I like the feeling of the music surrounding me. It's like an hug for my ears. As I type this, I am sitting in my car in the middle of nowhere with my ears ringing in silence. Or maybe this is what silence is and that ringing is my brain trying to process it but struggling with such an unfamiliar occurrence. I am in butt fuck nowhere and have my car and ipod turned off as I'm afraid to kill my batteries. We're up near West Harrison Lake with a not-so accurate map directing us. Team Smyke have gone off to look for a camping spot. We weren't sure if the roads were driveable in the civic so I'm sitting, waiting, wishing. They better come back for me! They've already been gone a while and I've started nervous eating. I'm working on a large bag of sweet n spicy beef jerky. I just read the nutritional label and that means I've taken in at least half of my daily sodium intake. I feel like i might hurl. That's probably the anxiety though. I hate being left behind. Its like getting lost in the mall, unable to find your shopping buddy. Insert heart palpitations and cold sweats here. I also haven't gone camping in a kajillion years and for some reason I'm freaked out about it. I've already pictured being attacked by a bear, getting lost in the woods on an innocuous nature walk and dying of frostbite in my sleep because I didn't pack enough warm clothes. I am taking deep breaths trying to calm myself and mostly it's working, although maybe it's just my heart slowing down from all the petrified beef. A petrified shelly eating petrified beef, how fitting.

It's almost dark out. What if they can't remember where they left me? I don't have any flares and there's no cell service here. One thing there is lots of is boys driving by. Maybe I should play Damsel in Distress and go with one of them! I have fire wood and homemade haystack treats to offer in exchange for a place to camp. I think I'll leave that to a last resort move. God knows I'll end up with someone who listens to hard core metal  or something, even the silence would beat that.

Wow, score. Just remembered I have a kit kat chunky bar in the trunk. I bought it for us to eat as a late night snack but I'm definitely not sharing with Smyke anymore; not after this interlude of abandonment. I'm getting finger cramps from typing on my bb. I don't want to stop though because I'll have nothing better to do. I bet smyke are all unpacked, sitting by the fire roasting marshmallows with a niggling sensation that they've forgotten something. I bet Saul or Nala will remind them of their left behind shelly. Those dogs have my back!

OK its actually Dusk now. No sign of the blondes. Meow!? Herro? My fingers are out of words. As glennsky would say EOM.

Wow. So its been at least twenty minutes since I finished my last entry and still no sign of Team Smkye. I keep picturing the Blair Witch movie which can't be helping. I'm legitimately freaked out sitting here by myself in the Fairly Dark forest in the middle of nowhere. I'm also scared that something has happened to them but I know that's just me being a wart of worry. Worry wart, if you will. Imagine if I had to sleep here in the car by myself all night? I've done it before (don't ask, horribly painful night and morning after) and would Almost rather die than suffer through that same terrible experience... They r here! Phewwwwwffff.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

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