I spent a good chunk of time today on craigslist. Exhausted both the Free and Furniture sections, then turned to the personal ads. I started with the Men Seeking Women. There were some ads of men claiming to be well off and awesome that caught my eye. Well written but full of themselves they were. A few stoners looking for new stoner girlfriends. Some guys just looking for someone to 'cuddle' with. There were very few pictures posted which is obviously such a downer. I moved on to the Women Seeking Men section next and there were 4 ads from today. Compare this to the 100+ ads on the Men Seeking Women. Interesting indeed. One lady was looking for a cowboy and stated that she'd like someone similar to Brad Paisley. I bet she fell in love at his concert. He IS quite charismatic. Anyhow, I worked on an ad in my head and it sucked. If I was a guy version of me I wouldn't even answer it. I think my only saving grace would be to post a picture. A photoshopped picture. From at least two years ago. Sigh, woe is me, yo.
Must love cats - Langley, 24.
SWF looking for big strong man to take care of her. I am of average looks, intelligence and personality; I am an average catch. Looking for an above average guy: tall, hot, rich, funny, charming, smart and interesting. Looking for someone who will eat my terrible cooking and be a guinea pig for my baked goods. No allergies please, I don't want to be accidently responsible for your death. Death by baked goods is, unfortunately, already a strong possibility! I like to read and appreciate someone who is literate as well... mostly so i can steal your books as i have a phobia of buying books and think the library is for poor people. I want someone who will be my number one fan.
Send me a picture and a bit about yourself so i can unfairly pre-judge you.
ReplyDeletefyi i had a secret crush on you that took me years to get over, but this picture made me fall in love all over again ;)