Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Like, uhm... like, y'know!

The other day Simon from work brought up "non words". A non-word is something you say when speaking outloud (usually unconsicously). It is, most often, gramatically incorrect and, even more often than that, makes you sound like a moron. Some examples of non words are "Uhmm", "ya know" or "like". I googled it for a better understanding and here's what Miriam-Webster has to say:
Definition of NONWORD: a word that has no meaning, is not known to exist, or is disapproved. First Known Use of NONWORD: 1961.

Unfortunately they didn't mention what the first ever Non word was. It was probably something silly though, like "Ack".

In our training programs we teach Instructors to notice their own non-words and to try to keep them to a minimum. Shortly after bringing up this non-word topic, Simon mentioned at his last program he used ME as his example... HIS BAD EXAMPLE! I'm pretty sure he did an impression of me using a high squeaky Valley Girl voice. "Like, uhmmm like y'know" is probably along the lines of how it went. He probably did a fake hair toss and giggled as well. The class then asked if I was a teenager and he revealed that no, I am a full blown adult (lol, apparently). He then proceeded to liken me to his twelve year old niece. Safe to say I was rather mortified and immediately made a sheet where I could mark down how many times I said "like" in a day. Three minutes later I forgot all about my new crusade. Three minutes after that Simon mentions that I had said "like" 7 times in the last paragraph I spoke. Insert blush face here

Goal renewed. I must nip this non word problem in the bud! I must, I must! Plan of action- think before I speak. Less rambling and a more consicous speech tactic. I am asking that anyone who may hear me say "like" in an innappropriate manner politely let me know. I promise not to be too offended by the correction. If I am unsuccessful in this plan of action, my Plan B involves a speech therapist. I am pretty sure it is covered under our extended medical. Maybe they can make my squeaky voice a little less squeaktastic while they're at it!

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