Hi. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Michelle- I’m the Maid of Honour. Amanda is my twin sister and my best friend; I’ve known her my whole life.
I was one of the last people to know that Manda and Jason had gotten engaged. The weekend Jason proposed, I was off camping in the middle of nowhere, of course with no cell service. When I got back to town I had 56 thousand messages and 100 missed calls. I honestly thought someone had died. When I finally found out the good news, I immediately wrote a blog about why I should be her Maid of Honour. In the blog I totally slandered my friends and fellow bridesmaids which probably makes me a bad person. It must have been pretty convincing because here I am, doing my maid of honor speech.
Amanda gave me a laundry list of things I wasn’t allowed to talk about in my speech, so I am NOT going to say anything about her favorite stuffed animal, Mr. Corn Head, who is essentially an ear of corn with a face-which is super creepy. There are a few other things that I am absolutely not going to mention...(looked over to Manda to share a conspiratory glance- received a death stare in return)
So since I can't talk about any of that fun stuff, instead I’d like to tell you why I love my sister. I’ve managed to wheedle the list down to 5 things, so here they are, in no particular order.
1. She is the best person to go on car rides with, for a few reasons: she’s a great car dancer; she knows all the words to every Sugarland song; she’s really good at air guitar, air drums and sometimes even the air fiddle; and best of all she’s usually doing all this WHILE driving, which is kind of scary, but mostly impressive.
2. She is always up to share a diet coke or diet root beer, no matter what. Yes, this is a very important best friend quality in my books.
3. She is the dollar store queen and is almost always able to tell me which dollar store I need to go to find a certain thing. For those of you who don't know, Amanda actually planned and decorated the entire venue which I think we can all agree looks absolutely beautiful, so let's give her a round of applause for that. Some of this beautiful decor has come from the dollar store...but I won't tell you which parts!
4. Other than my dad, she has the best tanning technique out of anyone I know.Arms up, arms down, flip over, etc- it is quite the process! They should have their own YouTube video and a million people would probably watch it and they would be famous.
5. And lastly, she lets me hold her hand when we are walking, even though I know she sometimes doesn’t want to. I started off with swinging my hand 'accidently' into hers and then clasping her hand. At first it didn't go over so well, but she's warmed up to it and will now pretty much hold my hand any time which is quite lovely.
OK so that’s it for my list. I don’t think those are necessarily the same reasons why Jason loves Amanda, as I know he doesn’t drink diet coke-which is weird- and rarely hits the dollar store - also weird- but I have seen him car dance, although it's not a pretty sight (insert awkward fist pumping action).
I guess the last thing I want to say is that I’m so happy for you guys and love you both and wish you many years of happiness. I’m super stoked to finally have a brother and I think my sister made a pretty great choice in you Jay. If everyone could please raise their glasses in a toast to Manda and Jay.
-Insert wild applause and cheering here-
So fantastic, Michelle! I'm such a wimp- I have a tear dripping down my face after reading this (laughing and heartfelt joy). You easily captured all the wonderful reasons why you love your Manda and are such a BEAUTIFUL sister and person in all senses of the word.