Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas Cards

Yesterday, I received my very first Christmas card of the season! I got a heads up that it was coming, but it honestly slipped my mind until I saw it sparkling in my mailbox today. It took all my restraint not to open it right there and then. I even managed to take off my shoes and jacket before ripping it open! Well worth the wait, the message inside made me smile and go Aww (Sorry, not sharing the details)!

Last year was the first time I had ever mailed out Christmas cards. In between baking Christmas cookies and drinking a bottle of wine, I went to town on a large stack of them. I honestly can't recall what I wrote in any of them, but I heard good reviews. Although, I know I made a few faux pas - I mistakenly spelled one person's last name wrong and wrote "Douche Bag" as the addressee on another (my bad!). Every time I receive a card in the mail, I'm ecstatic. I don't get very much mail, other than flyers, the occasional bill and death threat, so getting Addressed Mail with sparkles and lovely messages is a rather fantastic event in my world. That being said, I assume that most other people like getting Christmas cards too. If you think otherwise, please do not burst my bubble - I am sending the damn things out regardless.

Originally, I thought to get super Martha Stewarty and make homemade cards, and then I looked around and realized it would cost me a million dollars and take a billion hours. I struck that idea from the list and am going to buy a set of Already Done, Sparkly, Wonderfully Cheerful Cards from wherever they are on sale. I am going to drink a Winter Ale or two, or maybe some red wine, and hopefully write some nice things to my friends.

If you are lucky you just might see one in your mail box soon:) 

PS, here is a picture of my Christmas tree. I went with pink, purple and blue this year. Everything, including my entire condo, is now covered in sparkles. Tis the Season!


1 comment:

  1. I accidentally super glued red glitter on my fingers today. That's as festive as I get.

