Friday, May 20, 2011

Prunus domestica

I came across an article in a health food magazine someone brings to work...acutally, to be honest i didn't really "come across" it... My vietnamese accountant put it under my nose and ordered me to read it. First, I turned up my nose and made a stink face at the idea of eating prunes. Never in my life has my mouth met a prune. I am very sheltered. 

I read the article entitled Prunes- The Orginal Superfood. It took me about two paragraphs to jump on the prune bandwagon. The health benefits are astounding. I went out that night and hit the bulk section and got me some organic prunes. I'm not usually one to buy organic, but the article mentioned there is significantly more benefits to eating organic in this case- so i did. Call me a sucker, whatever. I'M PRUNETASTIC!

My first taste of prune came later that night. I bit into it a little warily, but was pleasantly surprised. Tastes like a raisin my mouth said to my brain. A GIANT RAISIN! They are chewy and sweet and have a weird, but fun texture. So far i have only ate a few at a time as a snack with some nuts to add crunch and balance out the sugar.

I have been talking about prunes all week to anyone that will listen- some have been eating prunes for decades, others make the Eww face when i mention them. I get it, everyone relates prunes to old people and poop. Not a very tasty conotation. I didn't even know that they were dried plums until Nik mentioned it to me when she was looking for them at the grocery store. Dried plum? hmm, that's not gross at all. Plums are delicious, dried plums are almost better as they are easily storeable and transportable. Yes, a superfood indeed.

"Where did this unwarranted levity start? We don't balk at raisins, snicker at dried figs nor grin at dried apricots. Why laugh at prunes? We'll hurt their feelings." -Unknown.

I dare you. go eat some prunes. DO IT. do it now!

  • The scientific name for plums and prunes is Prunus domestica.
  • Prunes are nutritious fruits that are extremely fun to eat since they have a sweet, deep taste and a sticky, chewy texture. Prunes are actually dried plums, more specifically the dried version of European plums, including the Agen variety.
  • Prunes contains contains a lot of fibers and sorbitol a stool loosening sugar. Prunes helps to slow aging process of the brain and body. Helps in cases of anemia. Prunes are excellent for increasing one's vitality. It helps in normal blood circulation. It is a good remedy for sore throat. It can help prevent cancer because of its high betacarotene content.

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