Wednesday, February 16, 2011


This morning I changed my life. I became an official member of the BC Liberal Party. Here is the lovely email i received from BCLP:

Thank you for your support of the BC Liberal Party. You will receive an official membership card in the mail shortly. You have registered 1 member(s): MICHELLE LITTLE.. blah blah blah. they mentioned that i registered to late to vote in the upcoming election and other junk but i didn't really read it all.

What finally prompted me to jump into the political scene you may wonder. Well I decided it was time that my opinion, my vote, was heard! that is my official line. did you like it?

let's get a bit more real. I was prompted to join so that i could attend a convention with a friend of mine. After realizing the process involved a simple online form and a five dollar fee, i acquiesced. convention is basically a party for old people right? since I'm practically old, i have decided to join the convention-going folk. Here's how my conversation went with Jess:
Me: so do i get anything fun out of this membership?
Her: haha umm not really... well now you can attend all the events with me..usually free food...sometimes free booze. flirt with politicians...haha.

So that's that. I am now a Liberal. I think that means I can stop shaving my legs and that I am officially pro-choice. Yay me! You're totally jealous right? Feel free to join Join the BC Liberal Party Online

VOTE LIBERAL or die! *this is not a paid advertisement

1 comment:

  1. haha way to throw me under the bus - I will be careful to sensor my emails from now on. xo
