Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentine's Day!
 To celebrate, I baked a super duper batch of sugar cookies. I am always concerned when a recipe has less than half a dozen ingredients. How could something so delicious be so simple? Somehow this simple recipe ended up being a four hour project. Myself and my kitchen are covered head to toe (ceiling to floor) in flour, icing sugar and food coloring, which some (cough, katie) may find concerning, but i like to turn a blind eye to things like that...  I'd say the results are worth it. The cookies turned out adorable.  I tasted them to make sure they weren't poisonous and they are delicious. There's about 4 dozen, so if you'd like a cookie fix, come find me- I'll cookie you. xo shelly. 


  1. please cookie me - your tall Victoria friend

  2. I'll take the next ferry over! There better be a glass of wine waiting for me though:)
