Monday, April 4, 2011


Once upon a time there was a girl. This girl misplaced her ipod in the summer of 2010. She searched high and low; she scoured her penthouse, car and all of her belongings. She asked (some would say accused would be more apt term) all her family members, friends and even co-workers to no avail. She thought it would turn up sooner or later, pushed it out of her head and moved on.

Christmas time rolls around and Santa brings her an iPod shuffle. A sigh of relief she breaths. One long, unproductive month later, she finally downloads some songs onto her ipod and goes for a run. FANTASTIC! She wears it in the condo, plugs it in through her car adapter while she's driving and uses it for running. Every once in a while she gets pangs of jealousy at other's ipods who have screens and stop watches. She tries not to even think about their on-the-go playlist options and video capabilities. Occasionally she is hit with pangs of longing for her legendary playlists that were carefully cultivated. But as I mentioned, she moved on.

One super rainy Monday in her new life- Life after PodLoss- she is about to leave the office when a call comes in that she has to take. She borrows a co-workers computer and deals with the call. She grabs her stuff to leave and heads to the gym. After her first round of the circuit she grabs her water and goes to check her phone. "Hrmph, it's missing," she mumbles to herself. She realizes she's left it on her desk at work. She spends the next round on the circuit weighing the pros and cons of going back to work to get her phone. She finishes up and decides to do another check through her purse. The vastness of this purse definitely requires one to do more than 1 check. She begins again, taking everything out, searching carefully. Nothing. Hmm. The secret side pouch? Nah... Then she thinks, "What the heck," and reaches her hand in and feels something! A tampon - sad face - Hmm, a bit more scrounging and O. M. G! Her hand touches something electronic, she pulls it out. At first glimpse her heart literally stops in her chest. It's electric blue! Can it be? The long lost ipod!? It is! It is! Her mind flashes through all life's new possibilities, the playlists, the stop watching. It's a new day!

Damnit. The rejoicing ends abruptly. "Where the heck's my blackberry?!" She goes back to the office and retrieves her phone and all is right with the world.

Now that's winning! Duh:)

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