Monday, April 5, 2010

Sir Squash III

so i bet you never knew that i was an ambassador of squash! check it. the last few weeks have been a squashtastic experience. It all started at the iggulden's... insert cameo flashback: nikita and alanna preparing acorn squash using butter and maple syrup. as i have a mad obsession with syrup and am always looking for new things to drench in it- i was instantly hooked.

following this and some advice from my work Phyllis i decided to explore the Spaghetti squash. For those of you who aren't up to speed on squashcabulary, this is a yellow skinned variety that, after it's been roasted, you can pull with a fork into spaghetti like strands. I forked the shit out of it {with katie's help} mixed it with a bolognese sauce [homemade but stolen from carol's house] threw it back into the shells and topped with cheese and parsley and broiled to melty deliciousness.

Why it's amazing: -its so easy it practically makes itself. - it's so vibrant and pretty. -versatile. - crazy low cal with high nutrient content. - winter squash can store for up to a month NBD. [sidenote: winter squash is not named for the season it is grown but becuase it can be stored over the winter]

next adventure was acorn squash.. roasted with butter, syrup, cinnamon, s&p. the texture of this squash kind of offends me. I ate it and pretended to like it but overall it wasn't a winner.

tonight: kabocha squash or courge kabocha if you will. This is a traditional japenese squash which is allegedly similar to pumpkin. I picked this up at superstore with harry. I was intrigued as i've never heard of it before. Did a bit of reasarch today on it and basically it's interchangeable with butternut or pumpkin. Majority of recipes baked it or soup'd it. I've mostly abandoned making soup as i realize i have no soup skills. Cut up the kabocha into 1inch slices and tossed with soy sauce, brown sugar, cayenne, S&P. Baked for 25 min. Tossed the reserved seeds (delightful sidesnack) in butter, s&p. Results: kind of okay.,. lol, it came out a bit dry... i think more sauce is called for and i also think i would half the kabocha next time, then bake it, Then cut it into strips...

I Also have a butternut squash awaiting me. I think i am going to do something dramatic with it.. did u know u can eat squash leaves and squash flowers?

i think i was a squash in another lifetime.

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