Friday, January 14, 2011

Sara the Yogi Says

I hit the track last night, turns out it actually hit me. To be honest I'm not sure if these pains are from the track or if it was from the brutality caused by my foam roller last night after the track. i was hoping that giving my legs a good once over with foamy that i wouldn't suffer so badly from Trackmania. I dont know what it is about the track, but i get ADD when I'm there. I can run two laps max before i get bored and want to move on to something else.  Last night I worked on some sprints, high knees, fast feet, the stairs (ouch) and also practiced how to walk slowly around the track while gasping for air at the same time.

Sara is working at becoming a yoga instructor so she has been learning lots of stuff about things. She is now totally my official personal trainer advisor, via email. I asked for some advice on how to stretch out my hip flexers as they were super sore this morning. This is what Sara the Yogi had to say (with some shelly comments thrown in):

Hip openers always entail hip closing, if you will...

1. You can simply sit cross legged with one foot in front of the other (so not totally crossed legged) and lean forward – hold for 30 secs – then put the other foot in front and repeat. This is our favourite, please note this can also be performed while sitting on the couch. Not to the same degree, but hey if you can stretch while couch surfing, why the hell not?

2. Sit on your butt and have one leg bent with foot on floor, cross your other ankle onto your knee and lean forward. Or, try this laying on your back and pull your knee into your chest (but keep your head on the floor – if you can’t then do it sitting up). I am a longtime fan of this one. You definitely need to be on a yoga mat or plush carpet or the spine and tail bone will not be happy with you.

3. You can also stand up cross your legs pushing one hip out and bend forward – maybe hold onto the coffee table for support – this one can be tricky – you feel it more if you push your hip out and lean... I can guarantee this stretch is easier than it looks, I tried it on my lunch break (not for the first time) and fell over a couple of times. It's tricky to maintain balance while trying to increase the stretch especially if you've been drinking. Please note that we were not consulted on the outfits of the models. Baggy orange t-shirt is not a requirement for this stretch.

4. Or sit with your legs in front of you and wrap a band around the palm of your foot holding onto each end of the band and stretch your leg across your other leg – hurts though. (you can get bands from winners for like $10 for a three pack – great for back and arm stretches too) (you can do this sitting up)

5. This one is good too – just try to make sure your hips are square to the front – and if it’s more comfortable you can lean forward – and try not to hold your breath..

6. SARA SAYS: AVOID THIS ONE – UNLESS YOU ARE A HURDLER! I had to ask her why and she claims that it puts a lot of stress on your knee ligaments. I certainly wouldn't want to do that, plus it looks rather uncomfortable. How bout, let's cross number 6 from the list of acceptable stretches.

7. You could even sit at your desk with one ankle up on your knee.. make sure your chair isn’t slanting forward and that your legs are bent at 90 degrees. I tried this one and love it. I don't even have to leave my desk or the couch, basically my new go to stretch!disclaimer: make sure you are warm before your stretch or you might make it worse and hold them for AT LEAST 15 secs! Any injuries caused by trying these stretches or other stupid ideas off this blog are in no way the responsibility of the blogger or her pseudo fitness director Sara The Yogi.

Well i hope everyone learned something useful. Now, go stretch! or not... whatever. like i care.

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