Wednesday, November 3, 2010


i get home from work and the pot on the stove is calling my name. i had assigned Said Pot to a mission this morning. Mission De-burn Yourself.

Don't worry i didn't just give it instructions and leave; I gave it tools as well. What kind of tools you are undoubtedly asking? I gave it coke, not the mind-altering white stuff, but the sugar-coma inducing canned pop. Soda, if you will; I will not. This was in my fridge for the sole distribution to diet-pop nay sayers. Luckily, in my circle, they are far and few between so this can will hardly be missed.

This mission was devised after a quick bout of some good ol google research. After skipping over all the results that involved 'vigorous scrubbing and scraping' i found this gem. I put the can of coke in the pot this morning so they could get acquainted and when i got home, well the burnt was still there. SIGH.

I turned the element on to let the coke do it's thing and withing minutes i was able to scrape the nasty burnt layer off. SWEET SUCCESS.

In the mean time i had taken my caramel shortbread bar from the freezer, which i had put in there for 'just a minute' this morning and then totally forgot about. While trying to hack through this frozen concoction i cut my finger on the BACK OF THE KNIFE. like the unsharp side. wtf. it is sliced in three places and hurts like a bitch. almost hurts as much as kitty biting me right now. why does she hate me so much? sigh.

Just searched for my blackberry and was unable to find it. i rummaged around in my load of laundry that i had already put in the washer and turned on. My arm is numb now because i choose to do my laundry in cold. i hear it's better for the environment. I panicked when i couldn't find it in my purse and then totally imagined it drowning in the washer as that would be par for the course these days. my rudimentary digging around found no phone. i assume slash hope it is at my desk at work. i also hope that nobody dares go through it. i say this like there are interesting things on my phone for people to look at. scoff.
anyways. i have no phone tonight which is annoying.
i was going to email someone and ask them to call me tomorrow morning as a wake up call but clearly that wouldn't work. i hope my internal alarm clock is in good working order. I'm sure my lateness would be excused as i will be bringing fucked up caramel shortbread squares to work tomorrow. its humanly impossible to be mad at someone who is bringing you baked goods. that is shellywisdom, aka shelwiz. like cheese wiz but less processed.

that is all. u may go.

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